WWPS is surveying parents

By on Tuesday, October 12th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

WALLA WALLA โ€“  Walla Walla Public Schools has begun administering a survey to parents and guardians. The district says the surveys will help determine organizational effectiveness, student engagement and motivation, social-emotional learning, as well as parental and community involvement.

The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and is accessible online from the link sent to parents. It closes Friday, Oct. 29.

Students and staff are also taking surveys. The student survey is taken only by students in fourth through 12th grades.

โ€œThis survey helps the school district get a full picture of how staff, families and students perceive their school and their place in it,โ€ Superintendent Wade Smith said.

Smith added the data is critical to tracking progress towards the districtโ€™s strategic plan goals and initiatives.