WW area leaders want input to plan for the future

By on Monday, April 1st, 2024 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

WALLA WALLA COUNTY – Walla Walla County and the cities of Walla Walla, College Place, Waitsburg, and Prescott are currently working on an update to the Countywide Planning Policies, or CPPs. CPPs guide the way our leaders cooperate on important issues that affect all residents, such as transportation, housing, and planning for growth. 

While the county and each city have their own independent comprehensive plans, coordinating together and developing joint policies can result in better overall results for our communities as we grow. The CPPs specify the areas where local leaders want to work together toward a shared future.

These jurisdictions are inviting residents to take a short survey to tell them what local issues residents think they should focus on. The project team will use residents’ feedback to help them decide where to direct their efforts.

The survey is available online here (scroll down and click on the header labeled “Get Involved! Take the Survey!”).