Work sessions are scheduled

By on Tuesday, September 27th, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – Two work sessions are coming up at Pendleton City Hall this evening. The city council will hold a session at 6:30 p.m. Then the council members will put on their Pendleton Development Commission hats and get together at 7 p.m.

The city council will be discussing a request from the Pendleton Downtown Association for additional financial support of $80,000 for a limited, but not specified, period of time. The downtown association is the city’s Mainstreet Program manager.

The PDC is going to study the various changes to its grants and loans programs that are being recommended by the PDC Advisory Committee. Those changes include having set times of the year for grant applications, changing the Jump Start program to strictly a business plan competition, and limiting grants to 25 percent of the full cost of the project, with a $250,000 cap.

Neither group is expected to take action on these items at the meetings. In addition to being open to the public, the sessions are available on Zoom. The meeting ID is 297 801 1880 and the pass code is Pend>1880&.