Work continues on Main Street

By on Thursday, March 20th, 2025 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – Work continues on South Main Street as the city upgrades aging waterlines under the road and installs stubs to the front of the buildings.

“That project is progressing,” Community Development Director Tim Simons said. “As you can see, downtown has kind of been torn up the last few weeks and we will be there probably for another couple of weeks.”

Building owners on Main Street had faced a stumbling block when it came to renovating vacant second story space. Regulations require there be sprinkler systems installed in case of fires. With the old waterlines, the city had been allowing the buildings to tap into water from behind the structures, which is an expensive process.

Simons said that they are now connecting stubs to the fronts of the buildings. Then, if they want to turn second-story space into lodging, they can connect to their stub for enough water pressure to power those sprinkler systems. The city hopes the easier access will prompt more building owners to utilize their second-story spaces.

Photo from the city of Pendleton