Wildfire near Halfway Under Investigation

By on Friday, July 21st, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

BAKER COUNTY โ€“ (Release from the Oregon Department of Forestry) ODFโ€™s Northeast Oregon District Baker City unit responded on July 17th at 11:17 p.m. to the โ€œ39 Roadโ€ seven miles northeast of Halfway on 39 road on ODF-protected land. It was approximately five acres, with timber and grass, steep terrain, and high fire potential growth. Firefighters worked through the night on July 17th to stop the spread. We want to express our gratitude to the Pine Valley Rural Fire District, Eagle Valley Rural Fire Protection District, Keating Rural Fire Protection District, Baker Rural Fire District, U.S. Forest Service โ€“ Wallowa Whitman National Forest, and our NEO District ODF resources were vital players in initial attack efforts to get control of this fire effectively. Our ODF resources continue to work on containment and ordered resources from Snake River Correctional Institution, Oregon Youth Authority. This fire remains in patrol status to ensure it doesnโ€™t flare back up and will continue with mop-up operations. This fire was human-caused and is under investigation.

Stay diligent and protect our region from Wildfires and please be sure to know the restrictions in the area, as they may differ on lands protected by other agencies. You can find up-to-date information for fire restrictions on all area forests by visiting www.bmidc.org or contacting the Oregon Department of Forestry-Northeast Oregon Fire Prevention Information Line for more details on ODFโ€™s fire restrictions: (541) 975-3027.

http://bluemountainfireinfo.blogspot.com/ is your spot for current fire information in the Blue Mountains.

Remember, if you see a fire or smoke, you can report it by calling Blue Mountain Interagency Dispatch at (541) 963-7171 or by dialing 9-1-1.