WDFW Commission to take comments on hunting season changes

By on Thursday, March 25th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

OLYMPIA – The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission is holding a virtual meeting today (Thursday) through Saturday and one of the items on the agenda is to get public comment on the 2021-23 hunting season proposals.

Today the commission will have committee meetings in the morning. In the afternoon, there will be briefings on a number of topics including chronic wasting disease, hatchery reform, and conservation.

Hunting season proposals will be taken up on Friday, with public comment being taken on each proposal including deer and elk seasons, waterfowl, equipment, regulations, and boundary changes for most game species.

On Saturday, the commission will hear updates and take public comment on proposed updates to the state’s salmon and steelhead hatchery policy. The proposed new policy would replace the older one. On both Friday and Saturday, the commission will take general public comments. Those who wish to comment must register on the day the item will be heard. More information on the comment guidelines and the agenda are available via the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife website’s commission page at https://wdfw.wa.gov/about/commission/meetings#publictestimony.