Wastewater and City Cleanup Updates from North Powder

By on Thursday, March 30th, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

NORTH POWDER – April is shaping up to be a busy time for the City of North Powder, with several projects underway as of the latest update. In addition, the city also has a number of notices for residents. 

Starting off, the city council has officially approved the final construction plan for the planned wastewater project. Some discussion still remains concerning the $390,000-dollar, 30-year loan being used to fund the work, but, as of the March 21 city council meeting, final approval is underway for necessary permits with construction expected to be completed by the end of the year. 

From wastewater to physical wase, the annual city-wide clean-up day is scheduled for Saturday, April 22 at 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. that afternoon. Dumpsters will be placed behind the Second Street gas station near the brush pile. A small load based dumping fee should be expected. Regarding which items can be accepted, North Powder stated the following in their recent newsletter:

“Examples of acceptable items for dumpsters are furniture, small appliances, car- pets, clothing, garden hoses, open and DRIED paint cans, old fencing materials (with NO nails).

We will take old tires from passenger vehicles or small trucks, but they must be off

 the rims. We can only take a trailer load so they will be accepted on a first come basis. E-cycle items such as TVs and computers will be accepted but they must not have broken screens. 

There will be a scrap metal dumpster for large appliances and other scrap metal.

 Empty hazardous household material containers, such as bleach bottles, cleaners, aerosol cans, etc., must be separated from other items.

We CANNOT accept oil, ashes, or regular household garbage (ex: diapers, kitchen scraps, etc.) Normal recycled items, such as cardboard, milk jugs, glass jars, newspapers, magazines, and misc. paper should be taken to the recycle center.”

North Powder would also like to remind residents to call 811 and request a ground survey before doing any form of digging. This service is free and can help avoid damage or destruction to underground utilities.Lastly, one of the city banners has gone missing from a light post on 2nd street. The mounting bracket has been located but not the banner itself. Any information concerning the banner’s whereabouts should be passed on to City Hall.