Warmer, drier weather reactivates Upper Pine Prescribed Burn

JOHN DAY, PRAIRIE CITY AND HINES (Released by Malheur National Forest)-Warmer and drier weather has reactivated pockets of unburned fuels in the Upper Pine F prescribed fire unit located on the Emigrant Creek Ranger District. Firefighters from the Malheur National Forest and contract resources are now working to improve containment lines to manage the increased fire activity.

Due to current and forecasted weather conditions, the Forest will bolster resources assigned to the burn and transition to managing it as a wildland fire.

Blacklining operations are set for the evening to fortify line control lines. During blacklining, firefighters pre-burn fuels adjacent to control lines to lessen the chances of spotting across those lines. Crews will remain engaged throughout the night.

The Upper Pine F prescribed fire unit is approximately 1,065 acres near Craft Cabin and Forest Roads 2850 and 2855.

Residents and visitors will continue to see and smell smoke and are urged to exercise caution in the area.

For further information about the Malheur National Forest, please visit us at www.fs.usda.gov/malheur or call the Supervisorโ€™s Office at 541-575-3000.