Wallowa School District are getting ready for upgrades

By on Thursday, May 20th, 2021 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

WALLOWA, OR – Tuesday’s election, voters approved the Wallowa School District bond.  Now that it has passed, the $7 million bond measure will be matched from the Oregon Department of Education by $4 million dollars.  Some of the projects include upgrading the boiler, electrical as well as repairs to the elementary school and gym, also safety and security.  The bond measure is less costly than replacing a new building, with an estimated cost of $54 million.  The approved bond measure will get the essential upgrades done according to school board personnel. 

The last time major upgrades were done was in 1993. Tammy Jones Superintendent of Wallowa School District said, “The Wallowa School Community is an incredible supporter of our children and their learning!  We are so fortunate!”