Walla Walla looks for a new flag

By on Tuesday, June 15th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

WALLA WALLA – The city of Walla Walla asks residents to cast their vote on their preferred design for a new city flag. The request comes after residents were asked to submit original designs for a possible new Walla Walla city flag in spring 2020. That project was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Later in the year, staff at the Walla Walla Public Library conducted a second phase of the project by holding a flag design contest for young artists.

The designs received from both phases of the contest were given to the city’s arts commission, whose members voted on the flags they felt best represented Walla Walla.  The top six vote-getters were selected as finalists.

Those six designs are at http://www.wallawallawa.gov/cityflag  accompanied by each artist’s description of what their flag represents or symbolizes. At the bottom of the webpage is a form residents can use to rank up to three of their favorites and submit their votes. The forms will be available until June 28, 2021.

The three entries that receive the most votes will be given to the Walla Walla Arts Commission to decide on one preferred design. That design will then be presented to the Walla Walla City Council to decide whether to adopt it as the new city flag or keep the existing design.