Walla Walla County releases health needs study

By on Monday, September 25th, 2023 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

WALLA WALLA – The Walla Walla County Department of Community Health has released the 2023 community health needs assessment, which is conducted every five years to identify the needs and concerns of county residents. County staff spent six months interviewing 19 community leaders, collecting 443 individual surveys, and hosting five focus groups.

Results showed mental health services and support was the number one community-identified need in Walla Walla County. This need included awareness of mental health in general and how to talk to each other about it in a de-stigmatizing way, accessing mental health services and supports such as finding a doctor or a treatment option, and paying for services or finding the right in-network options.

Housing was the second most frequently raised need in community interviews. DCH learned more about this need in focus groups with community housing providers, landlords, and migrant agricultural workers. Issues raised included affordability, safety, access to an available home, development of new homes or apartments, and concerns about retaining employees who cannot find or afford a home in the county.

Substance use disorder was raised as a topic of community health need during interviews and explored through a focus group with community SUD professionals, advocates, and those in recovery. Identified needs centered around co-occurring conditions, inpatient SUD treatment and support, and access to services.

Access to specialty health care services in Walla Walla was a concern for many interviewees and was supported through focus group conversations. Concerns consistently centered around the decreasing number of specialists and the increasing need to travel beyond the county, particularly to Spokane or Seattle, to seek specialty care.

Read the full 2023 community health needs assessment report by clicking here.