By Paul Hall on Monday, December 20th, 2021 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News
UNION COUNTY – The Union County Board of Commissioners are accepting applications from qualified volunteers interested in serving on one or more of the various committees with current openings as listed below. Interested citizens are invited to submit a completed Advisory Committee Application. Applications are available below or at the Union County Administrative Office located at 1106 K Avenue in La Grande.
Ambulance District Advisory Committee
This committee shall provide recommendations to the Union County Commissioners on the operation of the ambulance service district. Members of this committee consist of three individuals from the (437) telephone prefix area, three from the (562) telephone prefix area, and five from the remaining county telephone prefixes for a total of eleven members who may serve a four-year term. There are currently two committee openings, including one member of the 437 (Elgin) telephone prefix, and one from the 963, 962, 898, 568 or 534 (La Grande, North Powder, Cove, or Imbler) telephone prefix.
Health & Human Services Advisory Committee
This advisory group is appointed to serve as the Mental Health Advisory Committee, the local Alcohol & Drug Planning Committee, and the Public Health Advisory Committee serving as a liaison between the Center for Human Development and the Union County Commission. Areas of representation include Grande Ronde Hospital, a physician, a state agency, a school district, a small community member, an at-large member, a client representative, and a member with interest or experience in developing programs dealing with alcohol problems. Appointed to four-year terms. Openings are available for a representative with interest or experience in developing programs dealing with alcohol problems, a small community, and a school district representative.
Mt. Emily Recreation Area Motorized Advisory Committee
This committee was created to represent the interests of the public related to the development, operations, and maintenance of MERA by making recommendations to the Commissioners with regards to motorized usage. Areas of representation include Class I ATV, Class II ATV and Class III ATV, Class IV ATV, a member of the general public, an adjacent landowner, the US Forest Service, the Oregon Department of Forestry, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Parks and Recreation and livestock grazing creating a nine to twelve-member committee serving four-year terms. Openings are available for a Class I ATV-4 wheelers, Class II ATV-Jeeps, Livestock Grazing, and three General Public positions.
Mt. Emily Recreation Area Non-Motorized Advisory Committee
This committee was created to represent the interests of the public related to the development, operations, and maintenance of MERA by making recommendations to the Commissioners with regards to non-motorized usage. Areas of representation include bicyclists, hikers, the general public, the Grande Ronde Bowman Club, Oregon Parks, and Recreation, the US Forest Service, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Department of Forestry, and livestock grazing creating a ten to twelve member committee serving four-year terms. Openings are available for a Bicyclist, Livestock Grazing, and a General Public position.
NE Oregon Economic Development Board of Directors
The NE Oregon Economic Board of Directors represents Baker, Union, and Wallowa Counties to enhance community and economic development services in the region. Six of the members of this multi-county Board are appointed by the Union County Commissioners. Areas of representation include Private Industry, Private Sector, Small City, La Grande (large city), and Commissioner. Committee members serve a three-year term. An opening is available for a Private Industry representative.
Wallowa-Union Railroad Authority
An ORS 190 entity was formed by Union and Wallowa counties to acquire and manage the Joseph branch rail line between Elgin and Joseph. Union County appoints four members to the Authority to serve four-year terms. There is one opening available.
Wolf Depredation Compensation Committee
The purpose of this committee is to facilitate the grant program available through the Oregon Department of Agriculture to mitigate wolf impacts on producers. Areas of representation include one County Commissioner, two livestock owners, two supporters of wolf conservation or coexistence, and two business representatives which are determined by the other commission appointed members. This seven-member committee is appointed for three-year terms. There is one opening available for a supporter of wolf conservation or coexistence.