Update-Federal Land Managers seek public input on Wild Horse Management in Eastern Oregon

John Day (Released by US Forest Service)-The U.S. Forest Service Malheur National Forest and the Bureau of Land Management Oregon-Washington are seeking public input on wild horse management in the Murdererโ€™s Creek Wild Horse Joint Management Area. The purpose of the project is to protect and manage wild horses to promote the health and vitality of the Murdererโ€™s Creek horse herd. This project also helps to achieve and maintain a thriving natural ecological balance and multiple-use relationship on public lands.

The current wild horse herd is estimated at more than 500 horses. This has caused degradation to natural resources in and around the 143,000-acre joint management area located in Grant County.

The preliminary environmental analysis describes options for herd size and management methods as well as a no action alternative. Each alternative proposes a suite of tools consistent with the respective herd management area plan to include gathering methods, population growth controls, and monitoring.

The 30-day public comment period is open through July 14, 2023. Documents are available for review at https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=44570.The environmental assessment is also available for review and at the Malheur National Forestโ€™s Supervisorโ€™s Office and the Prineville Bureau of Land Management District Office.

Comments can be submitted electronically (preferred method) to the Comment Analysis and Response Application (CARA) database: https://cara.fs2c.usda.gov/Public//CommentInput?Project=44570

Comments may also be submitted in-person or by mail to: Attn: Wild Horse; Blue Mountain Ranger District; Malheur National Forest; 431 Patterson Bridge Road; PO Box 909; John Day, Oregon 97845. Faxed comments can also be submitted to (541) 575-3319.

For additional information, contact Ryan Falk, U.S. Forest Service Environmental Coordinator by phone, 541-575-3181, or email, ryan.falk@usda.gov.