Union County moves down to โ€˜Moderateโ€™ Risk Category.

Union County to Move to Moderate Risk Category This week the Union County Commissioners were able to successfully dispute a three-case discrepancy incorrectly posted to Union County by the Oregon Health Authority. The case dispute will drop the county two levels to a Moderate Risk Category effective Friday, February 26. Union County will move from the state-mandated Extreme Risk Category to the Moderate Risk Category.

Movement is occurring due to county COVID-19 case counts, which were totaling 46 for the period of February 7-20, but after Commissioner involvement, the total is now 43 for the two-week time frame. The extra three cases were incorrectly posted by Oregon Health Authority and were actually for another county. The change in state-mandated risk categories means that inside visitations at long-term care facilities will be allowed. Indoor dining at eating and drinking establishments will also return but with a reduction in total capacity.

The change will affect indoor recreations and fitness establishments, retail stores, and faith institutions as the state is allowing increased capacity. These changes go into effect on Friday, February 26. Each individual business and facility will determine if they will decrease to the Moderate Risk level. The State Sector Risk Level Guidance Chart from the Oregon Health Authority with all risk levels is available for viewing at https://sharedsystems.dhsoha.state.or.us/โ€ฆ/le3461.pdf. Additional detailed state sector-specific guidance can be found at https://coronavirus.oregon.gov/Pages/guidance.aspx.