Union County Fairground Sewer Funding Bill Killed by Ways and Means

UNION COUNTY – House Bill 2635 has officially been killed by the Oregon Ways and Means Committee. The Bill would have provided one million dollars in funding to the Union County Fairgrounds as part of the ongoing Sewer and Water Improvements Project. Specifically, the project plans to expand the City of La Grande’s plumbing network to encompass the fairgrounds, providing on-sight water and facilities and eliminating the need for mobile sanitation and water storage during events. 

Union County Commissioner Matt Scarfo (who has been pushing for the funding for roughly four years now) gave a brief comment on the news, stating his disappointment in the Ways and Means Committee as it seemed the funding was likely to have been granted based on discourse up to this point. According to Scarfo, the final week of the legislative session is often chaotic and unpredictable, however, leading to quick and often abrupt approvals or denials of certain legislation. As for what’s next, Scarfo said he will continue to push for the funding, seeking options during the E-Board meetings in September and possibly even taking the issue to the federal level.