Union County Ends Regulated Use Fire Season for 2021

By on Tuesday, October 5th, 2021 in Featured Stories Northeastern Oregon News

UNION COUNTY – The Union County Regulated Use Fire Season has ended for 2021 as specified by county ordinance. The county ordinance may be read in entirety at www.unioncounty.org/emergency-services. 

The use of burn barrels, improved fire pits and fire appliances are allowed without a permit but must meet the siting requirements listed in the ordinance. Burn permits are required for any open burning outside city limits. To obtain a permit, call the smoke management center at (541) 963-4040 for the recorded message describing daily burn conditions. On days burning is allowed, fires must be attended at all times by a responsible person equipped with  a shovel and water sufficient to suppress any accidental ignitions. Burn barrels must be in good condition with a heavy metal screen placed on top of the barrel and not be placed within 25 feet of any structure. 

Individuals located in areas of dual protection of the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) will be required to follow ODF restrictions currently in effect. Forest visitors are encouraged to stay up to date on the latest orders and regulations in Northeast Oregon by visiting the Blue Mountain Interagency Dispatch Center website at www.bmidc.org/restrictions/shtml.