Union County could see new rules regarding truancy

By on Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

UNION COUNTY – Over the past several months, Union County has been developing measures to reduce cases of truancy in local schools under Ordinance 2024-01. In speaking with county commissioners and the DA’s office between June and September, Elkhorn Media Group learned that the new ordinance had largely been drafted and was simply awaiting final approval by the individual cities. North Powder was the last city to officially consent to the ordinance via local Resolution 2024-R8, announcing that it had passed 4-1 in favor in a recent newsletter. One other city in the county also, allegedly, consented to the ordinance but did not immediately sign the approval due to an error.

As of the time of writing, a specific timeline for when the ordinance will go before the county commissioners has not been released, nor is the full text of the ordinance publicly available yet. That said, the City of North Powder themselves did offer some further insight following their consent of the measure, stating in their newsletter:

“The purpose of Union County Ordinance 2024-01 is to create rules for enforcement procedures intended to reduce the incidents of truancy within Public Schools in Union County by making the student and the responsible adult accountable for missed school. Failure to comply with school attendance requirements of state laws and rules may result in things such as citations, fines, and/or court mandated classes or services.

If the Union County ordinance passes, Resolution #2024-R8, will allow Union County jurisdiction regarding students in kindergarten through 12th grades who are enrolled in full-time public school in the City of North Powder. The ordinance does not apply to students who attend private schools or are home schooled.”