Two local District Attorney’s concern about repeal of Measure 11

By on Thursday, March 25th, 2021 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

EASTERN OREGON – Recently the Oregon Legislature proposed a bill that would significantly change how Measure 11 would function in criminal courts.  Measure 11 is Oregon’s mandatory minimum sentencing law.  Female District Attorney’s across the state said, “Our Oregon Legislature currently contemplated the full repeal of this crucial safeguard for victims.  We feel it is important the public understands that such actions would make our communities less safe.”  District attorneys represent the most public opposition to the proposed changes. Two D.A.’s in our region, Kelsie McDaniel of Union County and Rebecca Frolander of Wallowa County, argue that the most serious crimes deserve consistent and reliable sentences that mandatory minimum sentences have made Oregon safer and that crime victims are entitled to the certainty that comes with mandatory sentencing.

A Bill sponsored by Senator Floyd Prozanski held a public hearing this week on Senate Bill 401 that would convert mandatory minimum sentences into presumptive ones.  The bill would give prisoners sentenced under the proposed law, the chance to earn credit toward and early release. Currently, Measure 11, offenders serve a full-sentence with no chance for an early release.  

A work session is planned on Senate Bill 401, April 7th