Two Hundred Thousand Dollars Awarded for Old Elks Building Facade Restoration

LA GRANDE – (Release from la Grande Main Street Downtown) La Grande Main Street Downtown (LGMSD) was honored to be awarded a $200,000 grant from the Oregon Main Street Revitalization Program. The grant will match funds up to $200,000 to take off the facade on the old Elks building, the former Maridell Center, which is now the Evermine Labels building. Taking off the facade and replacing the historic windows on this beautiful building will be done in compliance with State Historic Preservation Standards, as required by the grant. The facade, window, and brick restoration project is Phase One of this monumental project, with some very exciting future plans for this property! More information to come.

The Oregon Main Street Revitalization Program was created by the Oregon State Legislature in 2015 and uses lottery-backed bonds to encourage economic development. The program is overseen by the Oregon Heritage Department, a division of Oregon Parks and Recreation. Grants were awarded to projects that best fit within the community’s long-range plan for downtown vitality and community needs. We are so excited for our new neighbors and their project, and we thank them for their continued hard work and partnership to make La Grande the best it can be!