Three recent depredations attributed to attributed to the Chesnimnus Pack.

WALLOWA COUNTY – (Release from ODFW) An ODFW Livestock Depredation Investigation Report has been released regarding three incidents of depredation in Wallowa County recently.

April 30, 2022 – Wallowa County (Joseph Creek area)

Date Investigated: 4/30/22   Cause of death/injury: Confirmed

General situation and animal information: On the morning of 4/30/22, a producer found an injured two- month-old, 250-pound calf in a 1,000-acre public land pasture. The calf had open wounds on the left hindquarter above the hock. The calf was euthanized on scene due to the severity of the injuries. A second injured two-month-old, 250-pound calf from the same pasture was found shortly thereafter and removed from the pasture for treatment of its wounds. The injuries of both calves were estimated to be about a week old.

Physical evidence and summary of findings: The euthanized calf was shaved, skinned, and examined. There were multiple tooth scrapes ¼ inch wide and up to four inches long on the right and left flanks with tissue necrosis and muscle trauma underneath. The left hindquarters had an open wound with tissue trauma, infection, and necrosis 1¼ inches deep. The second calf was partially shaved and examined on 5/1/22. There were multiple wounds ¼ inch wide and up to two inches long above the left hock and inner thighs. The bite scrape measurements, locations, and the severity of the injuries are consistent with other wolf attacks on calves. The mother cow of the second calf was agitated during the investigation and to reduce stress on the cow she was not available for an examination. She had one bite scrape visible on the flank that appeared to be the same age as the bite wounds on the calves. This attack was attributed to the Chesnimnus Pack.

April 28, 2022 – Wallowa County A (Crow Creek area)

Date Investigated: 4/28/22   Cause of death/injury: Confirmed

General situation and animal information: On the evening of 4/27/22, a livestock owner found the remains of a six-week-old calf in a partially timbered 1200-acre pasture on public land. The carcass had been largely consumed, with only part of the spine, a few ribs, and the pelvis with some hide remaining. This carcass was located approximately 90 yards from the carcass of the second confirmed depredation in this pasture and is estimated to have died near the same time as that calf (see April 27, 2022 – Wallowa County [Crow Creek area]).

Physical evidence and summary of findings: There were trails of heavily trampled ground where the herd of cows hadtraveled quickly down a ridge to the creek bottom where the carcass remains were found.

Wolf tracks were also found in the trails mixed with the cow tracks. The remains of the calf were skinned and examined.Pre-mortem hemorrhaging measuring one inch long and ½ inch deep was evident in two areas near the tail and one area near the spine. This bruising, combined with the disturbed ground, and the nearby confirmed depredation, allows for using reasonable inference to confirm the death of this calf as wolf-caused. This depredation is attributed to theChesnimnus Pack.

April 27, 2022 – Wallowa County (Crow Creek area)

Date Investigated: 4/27/22   Cause of death/injury: Confirmed

General situation and animal information: On the evening of 4/26/22, a livestock owner saw eight wolves around the remains of a six-week-old, 180 lb. calf in a partially timbered 850-acre pasture on

public land. The carcass was intact and the majority of the hide was present; most of the tissue was missing. The calf wasestimated to have died within 24 hours of the investigation.

Physical evidence and summary of findings: The carcass was shaved, skinned, and examined. There were at least 20 pre-mortem bite scrapes on the hindquarters up to ¼ inch wide and two inches long. There were pre-mortem tooth scrapes and punctures on the hide near both elbows, including premortem hemorrhage and torn muscle 1¾ inches deep in the corresponding tissue. The size and location of bite wounds and severity of trauma are similar to those observed in other calves attacked by wolves. This depredation is attributed to the Chesnimnus Pack.

Addendum (4/29/22): The pasture where this investigation occurred was 1200 acres, not 850 acres as previously reported.