Third wolf is trapped and killed

By on Monday, November 7th, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

News release from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

(SALEM) โ€“ A wolf from the Horseshoe Pack was trapped and lethally removed on Thursday, Nov. 3 on private land in Umatilla County where previous depredations occurred. The wolf was an uncollared juvenile male wolf.

Despite non-lethal measures in place including camping with their cattle and hazing, this landowner had experienced chronic livestock depredation by the Horseshoe Pack and requested a lethal removal permit this fall. ODFW granted the permit to stop further depredations.

The producerโ€™s permit was scheduled to expire Nov. 18 but is now no longer active because all three wolves authorized to be lethally removed under the permit have been taken. USDA Wildlife Services has removed or deactivated all their traps on the landownerโ€™s property.

Cattle remain in this area, so the permit may be re-issued if there are additional depredations. The last depredation by the Horseshoe Pack occurred Oct. 16.