The Cold can Burn, Home Heating Safety Tips from the State Fire Marshal

By on Wednesday, September 27th, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

OREGON โ€“ The weather is starting to get chilly across the Pacific Northwest, which means itโ€™s almost time to dust off the woodstoves and bust out the heaters. Whether you plan to spend the cold months sitting in front of a fireplace or angrily watching the thermostat, itโ€™s important to do so safely. According to the Oregon State Fire Marshal, heating related incidents were the number two cause of residential fires in the state in 2021 at roughly 15% of all fires. To, hopefully, prevent similar incidents going forward, the fire marshal has some basic tips on home heating safety:

Portable Heaters

  • Only use modern portable space heaters with automatic shut-off in case they tip over.
  • Always clean portable heaters each year before using them.
  • Research your heater for potential product recalls before using them each year.
  • Always unplug portable space heaters when not in use, before going to bed, or even just leaving the room.
  • Make sure fuel-burning type heaters are designed for safe indoor use and ensure they are properly ventilated.

Wood/Pellet Heat

  • Have stoves/fireplaces and their chimneys inspected and cleaned at least once a year by a qualified professional.
  • Only burn dry, seasoned wood in fireplaces/wood stoves.
  • Only burn dry, seasoned pellets in pellet stoves.
  • Dispose of ashes by placing them in a metal container, soaking them in water and storing them at least ten feet away from the home or anything flammable. Only dispose of ashes fully when they are cool.

Electrical Fire Safety

  • Avoid pinching cords between walls and furniture.
  • Never run electrical cords under carpets or across doorways.
  • Avoid electrical overload.
  • Have an electrician install additional wall outlets and breakers as needed.
  • Only have electrical work undertaken by a qualified electrician.

General Safety

  • Only use heating equipment with the label of a recognized testing laboratory
  • Keep household flammables (paper, curtains, bedding, furniture, etc.) at least three feet away from all heating equipment/stoves.
  • Designate a three foot โ€œkid and pet free zoneโ€ around all heating equipment.
  • Read manufacturer instructions carefully before operating electrical or heating equipment.
  • Replace heating equipment and appliances if they have cracked or damaged electrical cords, plugs and connection points.
  • Plug appliances and heating equipment directly into wall outlets, never power strips or extension cords, these are for temporary use only.
  • Test/inspect your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in each room.

For more on fire safety and regulations, visit