Superintendent responds to vaccine order

WALLOWA – The following message sent out to Wallowa School District families from Superintendent Tammy Jones, regarding Governor Brown’s vaccine order.  

Thursday morning, we heard the announcement that Governor Brown has directed OHA to develop a rule ordering schools to have vaccinated adults in all K-12 settings by October 18 or 6 weeks from FDA approval, whichever is later. This is a shock to say the least. One saving grace is that we have a bit of time to process before the OHA rule takes effect. At this time, we are asking our staff and community to please be patient while we process exactly what this announcement means. We will get more information out as we learn details – please understand that we may not have all information until the OHA rule is written and do not know their timeline. It is our full intent to respect and support our school community over the coming weeks.During the 11 am press conference, Governor Brown stated that the executive branch employees under her authority have access to two exemptions- medical and religious. We will learn more about if these exemptions apply to adults in the K-12 setting once the rule is written and released.