Superintendent Mendoza provides an update on mask guidelines

By on Monday, May 24th, 2021 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

LA GRANDE, OR – (Information provided by the La Grande School District)  Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and Oregon Health Authority (OHA) have made some clarity adjustments to the Ready School, Safe Learners (RSSL) guidance as well as Sector Risk guidelines based on recent changes made by the CDC and OHA regarding masks and other COVID-19 related safety practices. In general, these updates do not substantially change Ready Schools, Safe Learners (RSSL) guidance. However, these updates do impact students, families, and staff before and after school as well as sports, activities and graduation ceremonies. In addition, these updates to RSSL and sports/events allowances are up to the discretion of local districts to choose to implement. The RSSL & Sports adjustments are as follows: 

· Outdoors: Students, staff, volunteers, and visitors are not required to wear face coverings outdoors (including, but not limited to: Outdoor PE, outdoor music, recess, and arrival & dismissal). Until additional updates are provided, all RSSL physical distancing and other related requirements still apply. 

· School Staff Indoors: Fully vaccinated staff are not required to wear face coverings or physically distance inside school buildings when students are not present (such as before and after school or on weekends) only when vaccination status is checked by the school. 

· School Board Meetings Indoors: Fully vaccinated staff, school board members, and community members are not required to wear face coverings or physically distance inside at school board meetings if children are not present only when vaccination status is checked by the school. Most children in Oregon are not yet vaccinated. School board meetings are open to the public and students and children are always welcome. 

· Outdoor Sports: Students, staff, volunteers, and spectators are not required to wear face coverings at outdoor sports events. Until additional updates are provided, all previous physical distancing and capacity restrictions still apply. 

· Indoor Sports: Fully vaccinated students, staff, volunteers, and spectators are not required to wear face coverings at indoor sports events only when vaccination status is checked by the school in a manner described by OHA in guidance. Until additional updates are provided, all previous physical distancing and capacity restrictions still apply. 

· Per the OHA, “fully vaccinated” means an individual has received both doses of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine or one dose of a single-dose vaccine and at least 14 days have passed since the individual’s final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. 

· Per the OHA, “proof of vaccination status” means documentation provided by a tribal, federal, state or local government, or a health care provider, that includes an individual’s name, date of birth, type of COVID-19 vaccination given, date or dates given, depending on whether it is a one-dose or two-dose vaccine, and the name/location of the health care provider or site where the vaccine was administered. Documentation may include, but is not limited to, COVID-19 vaccination record card, or a copy or digital picture of the vaccination record card. 

· LGSD will not take possession, copy, or keep vaccination records related to COVID-19 Vaccine 

La Grande School District will move forward and implement these adjustments at our various school sites, events, and activities and follow Oregon Health Authority (OHA) guidelines for determining vaccination status for our staff, students, families, spectators, volunteers, etc. 

For School Day Experiences Only: Prior to accessing school sites without masks as outlined above, staff will be required to present their vaccination card or a picture of the card that provides required information (i.e., individual’s name, vaccine type, dates, etc.) to their administrator or supervisor. Failure to present this required documentation would result in continuing to wear a mask at all school sites. 

For Indoor Sports Only: Fully vaccinated students, staff, volunteers, and spectators are not required to wear face coverings at indoor sports events only when vaccination status is checked by the school in a manner described by the OHA in guidance. 

Point of Clarity: Outside of this update, all other RSSL rules and Key Safety practices during the school day still apply, including the Planning for COVID Scenarios in Schools protocols. We must still stay home when ill, ensure physical distance, wear PPE, clean and sanitize, implement isolation and quarantine procedures, contact trace, etc. Point of Clarity: 

· Our intention as a school district has been to educate and inform as often as possible as it relates to this pandemic and state requirements. We have received many updates and changes that have at times received polarized viewpoints and responses. Updates and changes to public policy and safety requirements will be ongoing during this pandemic. As with all CDC, OHA, and ODE changes or updates; this means adjustments to past practices/procedures. Adhering to state guidelines, rules, laws and moving forwards towards normal operations continues to be our direction. 

· Our goal as an organization is to provide a safe, inclusive, and positive learning environment for all our students and staff. 

· Shaming of students, parents, or staff for continuing to wear masks in all locations and following all key safety practices will not be tolerated. Personal choices regarding vaccines will be respected. 

· Even if vaccinated, staff, students, parents, spectators, may continue to wear masks at all times should they desire to do so. 

Lastly, families should be aware that an increase of active transmissions of COVID-19 in a school or in its local community may necessitate the reinstatement of the universal requirement for face coverings. La Grande School District will use our local teams, data, and context to continue to monitor and adjust as the need arises. If you would like more information on these recent adjustments by ODE, please go to Updates.aspx.

LGSD will continue our advocacy and seek clarification from OHA, ODE and the Governor’s office and will get information to staff, students, families and community as it comes available.