Summer enrichment program canceled

By on Tuesday, July 27th, 2021 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

WALLOWA, OR – (A message from Tammy Jones, Superintendent of Wallowa School District)  Summer Enrichment was a popular summer learning opportunity for kids during the month of June and we were so excited to start back up in August, but we will not be able to do this.

As you all know, we are so fortunate to have fire crews from all over the nation here in Oregon fighting wildfires. Our school district is the Incident Command Post serving our county. Currently we have over 900 individuals based here fighting fires and providing leadership. We are happy to partner with these crews and support their efforts to keep our county safe.

With our school serving to support these efforts, we will not have the available space to engage with the August Summer Enrichment Program. We must cancel the August Summer Enrichment dates for this school year. We apologize for this, but we feel it is important to continue the support for the fire crews fighting the fires in Wallowa County.