Spring cleanup begins at Mt. Hope Cemetery April 7. Remove items by April 6

BAKER CITY — HnT Lawn Care, Inc., the city’s cemetery maintenance contractor, will soon be commencing their annual spring cleanup at the cemetery. This involves the removal of all decorations, flowers, and floral designs at grave spaces. Removing the various decorative items placed at grave spaces assists our contractor in completing the tasks of thatching, edging, fertilizing and spraying weeds (weather permitting) as thoroughly as possible.

This work is scheduled to take place at the cemetery from April 7 through April 21, 2025. Please remove any decorative items, flowers, etc. from grave spaces by no later than April 6, 2025. Please note that decorative items not removed from grave spaces and headstones by that date will be collected by the contractor beginning April 7th. Collected decorative items that are in good condition will be stored until claimed or until October 1, 2025. Perishable or deteriorated decorative items will be removed from the grounds permanently.

Items conforming to the cemetery rules may once again be placed on grave spaces beginning

April 22, 2025. A copy of the Mt. Hope Cemetery rules are available to view on the city’s website, www.bakercity.com.

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance as we attempt to maintain Mt. Hope Cemetery in the manner and dignity appropriate for the grounds. Questions may be directed to the City of Baker City at (541) 524-2047 or (541) 524-2046.