Signs and Response to Heat Related Illness.

Baker County – With summer temperatures continuing to climb, it’s important stay safe and watch for signs of heat related illness, both serious and minor. “Don’t underestimate the heat. Heat-related illnesses can happen to anyone,” states the Oregon Department of Emergency Management who wish to remind Oregonians of the telltale signs of heat exhaustion and Heat Stroke.

Symptoms of Heat exhaustion include feelings of faintness or dizziness, excessive sweating, a rapid, weak pulse, nausea or vomiting, muscle cramps and cool, pale, clammy skin. Symptoms of heat stroke include throbbing headaches, confusion or lose of consciousness, a rapid, strong pulse, nausea or vomiting, body temperature above 103 degrees and red, hot skin. In case of heat exhaustion, as listed by the Oregon Health Authority, “Help the person get to a cooler, air-conditioned place. Encourage them to drink water if they’re full conscious.” In case of heat stroke, “Call 911. Get the person cool rapidly by laying them in cool water or dousing them with it.”