Sheriff asks for civility during water disputes

By on Friday, August 6th, 2021 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

GRANT COUNTY – The District 4 Watermaster has regulated the usage of the John Day River for most of the summer due to exceptionally dry conditions. Grant County Sheriff Todd McKinley asks folks to remain civil when dealing with water issues this summer:

“Among other things besides the fire danger, [there can be] irrigation problems. Cooler heads prevail while you’re dealing with things. I know it’s frustrating and there are a lot of different people to make sure things go smooth. Give them a chance.”

As of the morning of August 6th, the John Day River from the headwaters to the confluence of the South Fork John Day River is regulated at a priority date of 1881.

The John Day River from the confluence of the South Fork down to Kimberly is regulated at 1918 priority. Call Eric Julsrud, the District 4 Watermaster if you have questions at 541-620-0447.