Senior project giving out toys

Imbler, OR – Many seniors have chosen their senior project, and Rylee Deal from Imbler High School is no exception.  Deal has selected her senior project to give wagons full of toys to St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital in Boise.  Deal explained that senior projects are designed to better the lives or helping out people in the community.  Deal said, “The reason she chose to use wagons for the toys instead of using boxes is that children would rather be pulled in wagons and not pushed in wheelchairs.”  Deal has a huge love for kids and the hopes of working in a children’s hospital in the future.  At times we are currently facing everyone who is unhappy and I wanted to put a smile on someone’s face, said Deal.  After school, Deal is planning on going to college in Arizona to study nursing with hopes of being an OBGYN nurse.

Deal held a fundraiser last year to put her proceeds toward this project.