Schoesler says regional plan hurts small Eastern Washington counties

By on Friday, February 5th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

OLYMPIA โ€“ This week, the state of Idaho moved into Phase 3 of its COVID-19 recovery plan. State Sen. Mark Schoesler (R-Ritzville) said itโ€™s time for neighboring Asotin County and others to move into Phase 2 of Washingtonโ€™s recovery plan.

Gov. Jay Insleeโ€™s plan divided the state into eight regions. Asotin County is in the East Region, with heavily-populated Spokane County along with Adams, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Stevens, and Whitman counties.

โ€œI agree with the Asotin County commissioners that itโ€™s ridiculous to include their county in the same region as Spokane County,โ€ the lawmaker said. โ€œIf Asotin County was moved out of the East Region under the governorโ€™s latest recovery plan, the county could move into Phase 2, which would be so much better for its people economically.โ€

Schoesler said that Inslee and Department of Health officials should view Clarkston and Asotin County more in connection with Lewiston and Nez Perce County instead of Spokane County.

โ€œClarkston and Lewiston are separated only by the Snake River, so youโ€™d think Asotin County would be in the same COVID-19 recovery phase as Lewiston,โ€ Schoesler said. โ€œUnfortunately, our governor doesnโ€™t see it that way.โ€ Schoesler added that Whitman County, which also shares a border with Idaho, is at a similar economic disadvantage. โ€œ

He further agrees with Asotin County Public Health Administrator Brady Woodburyโ€™s assertion that most of the smaller counties in the Eastern Region are on the verge of meeting the standards that would allow them to move up to Phase 2.