Rowan remains strong in opposition to Measure 114

By on Thursday, April 18th, 2024 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

UMATILLA COUNTY – Umatilla County Sheriff Terry Rowan says the group waiting to have an appeal heard by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Oregon’s Ballot Measure 114 is still waiting. This suit is moving for an appeal of the gun control law based on the argument that it’s in violation of the U.S. Constitution. A federal judge in the Portland district ruled the measure is not a violation.

Rowan is a named plaintiff in the federal case. He deplores gun violence but says the ballot measure goes after the wrong people.

“Really, attacking the black market is where we should be focusing our efforts on instead of making law-abiding citizens basically in violation of the law by having high-capacity magazines,” he said.

Meanwhile, Ballot Measure 114 remains on hold due to a finding in a separate suit that it is in violation of the Oregon Constitution. That ruling was handed down by Harney County Judge Robert Raschio in November.