
Notice of Public Hearing-North Powder School District North Powder Elementary School Seismic Rehabilitation The North Powder School District Board of Directors will conduct a public hearing before the Local Contract Review Board at their next regularly scheduled board meeting. The intent of this hearing is to review the findings and receive public comment. In the Matter of Exemption )                       FINDINGS OF FACT Request of ) North Powder School District ) North Powder Elementary School ) Seismic Rehabilitation ) ORS 279C.335(1) requires, with certain exceptions, that all Public Improvement contracts be based on competitive bids and, under ORS 279C.375, awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. ORS 279C.335(2) permits the Local Contract Review Board, as the North Powder School District contract review authority, to grant, under certain conditions, specific exemptions from the requirement for competitive bidding upon the approval of specified findings. OAR 137-049-0620, division 249 allows the Local Contract Review Board to exempt a Public Improvement contract from the requirements to be competitively bid, provided written findings supporting the use of non-competitive bid process show compliance with OAR 137- 049-0600 to 137 049-0690 and applicable statutes. The written findings report is available for review at the North Powder School District prior to the public hearing. Please contact Lance Dixon at 541-898-2244 for a copy of the findings. The hearing for review of these findings will be held at 6:00pm on January 28th at the North Powder School District office located at 333 G Street, North Powder, OR 97867 as published in the public notice section in Elkhorn Media Group on January 14th, 2025 and the Daily Journal of Commerce on January 15th, 2025.

Notice Date: Monday, January 13th, 2025


Notice of Public Hearing-North Powder School District North Powder Elementary School Seismic Rehabilitation

The North Powder School District Board of Directors will conduct a public hearing before the Local Contract Review Board at their next regularly scheduled board meeting. The intent of this hearing is to review the findings and receive public comment.

In the Matter of Exemption )                                             FINDINGS OF FACT

Request of )

North Powder School District )

North Powder Elementary School )

Seismic Rehabilitation )

ORS 279C.335(1) requires, with certain exceptions, that all Public Improvement contracts be based on competitive bids and, under ORS 279C.375, awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. ORS 279C.335(2) permits the Local Contract Review Board, as the North Powder School District contract review authority, to grant, under certain conditions, specific exemptions from the requirement for competitive bidding upon the approval of specified findings.

OAR 137-049-0620, division 249 allows the Local Contract Review Board to exempt a Public Improvement contract from the requirements to be competitively bid, provided written findings supporting the use of non-competitive bid process show compliance with OAR 137- 049-0600 to 137 049-0690 and applicable statutes. The written findings report is available for review at the North Powder School District prior to the public hearing. Please contact Lance Dixon at 541-898-2244 for a copy of the findings.

The hearing for review of these findings will be held at 6:00pm on January 28th at the North Powder School District office located at 333 G Street, North Powder, OR 97867 as published in the public notice section in Elkhorn Media Group on January 14th, 2025 and the Daily Journal of Commerce on January 15th, 2025.

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