Grant County School District No.3 Board Meeting Agenda, Wednesday January, 15 2025 7PM
Board Meeting Agenda Wednesday 1/15/2025 | 7:00PM 1) PRELIMINARY BUSINESS: 1.1 Call to order 1.1.1 Board Attendance: ___ of 7 1.2 Pledge of Allegiance 1.3 Agenda Review 1.3.1 Motion: _____; Second: _____; Unanimous: _____ 2) PUBLIC COMMENTS | 3-MINUTE LIMIT: 2.1 Public Forum: 3) STUDENT BODY REPORT(S): TBA 4) BOARD RECOGNITION FROM ELEMENTARY STUDENTS 5) REPORTS: 5.1 2023-24 Audit Report 5.2 Financial/Business Manager/ MJE * 5.2.1 See: Board Meeting Packet – Addendum | Financial Report – November & December 2024 5.2.2 Building Budget Reporting/Empowerment 5.3 Current Enrollment | Average Daily Membership (ADM) Reporting) as of last day of previous month/ MW* 5.4 Current Staffing/JY/MW 5.4.1 GU = 39 5.4.2 HES = 46 5.4.3 SES = 4 5.4.4 HCCC = 4 5.4.5 DO = 2 5.4.6 Transportation = 7 Total = 102 5.5 Administrator’s Reports | Previous Month: 5.5.1 Interim Principal, Shanna Northway | Vice Principal, Andy Lusco | GU * 5.5.2 SpEd Director, Shanna Northway | GU/HES * 5.5.3 Principal, Janine Attlesperger | Humbolt (HES)* 5.5.4 Principal, Janine Attlesperger | Seneca (SES) * 5.5.5 Director, Trina Fell | Humbolt Child Care Center (HCCC) * 5.6 Superintendent’s Report/ Superintendent Mark Witty 5.6.1 Licensed Negotiations * 5.6.2 Calendar - 2 years out 5.6.3 Naming of Fields & Facilities to Honor a person - Need a Process Developed 5.6.4 Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act - Impact 5.6.5 Early Learning Center Update 5.6.6 Budget Process * 5.6.7 Oregon Executive Development Institute 5.6.8 Annual Celebration Dinner for Retirees/Past long term employees and Past Board Members 5.6.9 Rep. Owens Bill to allow Districts to Attain Matching Funds for Capital Construction* 5.7 Construction/Capital Projects Update/Budget Narrative/MW * 5.7.1 GSD3 Project Tracker 6) CONSENT AGENDA: 6.1 Recommend Approving 11/20/2024 Board Meeting Minutes * 6.2 Recommend Accepting New Hires: 6.2.1 Fred Ostberg | GU Custodian 6.2.2 Heidi Bullock | Humbolt Childcare Center 6.2.3 Mallory Thomas | Humbolt Aide 6.3 Recommend Accepting Employment Role Transfer: 6.4 Recommend Accepting Employment Role Addition: 6.4.1 Sara Wilson | District Level Secretary 6.5 Recommend Accepting Employment Resignations: 6.5.1 Shelby Sheets | Humbolt Aide 6.6 Recommend Accepting First Reading of Policies 6.6.1 November Policies to be Deleted 6.6.2 November Policies to be Updated 6.6.3 November Policies to be Added 6.6.4 December Policies to be Updated 6.6.5 December Policies to be Added 6.7 Approval Consent Agenda (Entire Section): Motion: ___; Second: ___; Unanimous: ___ 7) NEW BUSINESS: 7.1 2023-24 Audit Report Approval 8) FUTURE CALENDAR DATES | 2024 | ALL Meetings are held at District Office, unless otherwise specified: 8.1.1 2/19 – Board Meeting | 7:00PM 8.1.2 9) BOARD REPORTS: 9.1 KB: 9.2 M.T. A: 9.3 AC: 9.4 CL: 9.5 ZB: 9.6 WB: 9.7 JT: 10) TOTAL IN ATTENDANCE: 10.1 In Person: ____ 10.2 Via Zoom: ____ 11) ADJOURNED: PM
Notice Date: Monday, January 13th, 2025
- County: Grant
- Notice Type: Public Meeting
- City: Canyon City John Day Seneca
Board Meeting Agenda
Wednesday 1/15/2025 | 7:00PM
1.1 Call to order
1.1.1 Board Attendance: ___ of 7
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance
1.3 Agenda Review
1.3.1 Motion: _____; Second: _____; Unanimous: _____
2.1 Public Forum:
5.1 2023-24 Audit Report
5.2 Financial/Business Manager/ MJE *
5.2.1 See: Board Meeting Packet – Addendum | Financial Report – November & December 2024
5.2.2 Building Budget Reporting/Empowerment
5.3 Current Enrollment | Average Daily Membership (ADM) Reporting) as of last day of previous month/ MW*
5.4 Current Staffing/JY/MW
5.4.1 GU = 39
5.4.2 HES = 46
5.4.3 SES = 4
5.4.4 HCCC = 4
5.4.5 DO = 2
5.4.6 Transportation = 7 Total = 102
5.5 Administrator’s Reports | Previous Month:
5.5.1 Interim Principal, Shanna Northway | Vice Principal, Andy Lusco | GU *
5.5.2 SpEd Director, Shanna Northway | GU/HES *
5.5.3 Principal, Janine Attlesperger | Humbolt (HES)*
5.5.4 Principal, Janine Attlesperger | Seneca (SES) *
5.5.5 Director, Trina Fell | Humbolt Child Care Center (HCCC) *
5.6 Superintendent’s Report/ Superintendent Mark Witty
5.6.1 Licensed Negotiations *
5.6.2 Calendar – 2 years out
5.6.3 Naming of Fields & Facilities to Honor a person – Need a Process Developed
5.6.4 Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act – Impact
5.6.5 Early Learning Center Update
5.6.6 Budget Process *
5.6.7 Oregon Executive Development Institute
5.6.8 Annual Celebration Dinner for Retirees/Past long term employees and Past Board Members
5.6.9 Rep. Owens Bill to allow Districts to Attain Matching Funds for Capital Construction*
5.7 Construction/Capital Projects Update/Budget Narrative/MW *
5.7.1 GSD3 Project Tracker
6.1 Recommend Approving 11/20/2024 Board Meeting Minutes *
6.2 Recommend Accepting New Hires:
6.2.1 Fred Ostberg | GU Custodian
6.2.2 Heidi Bullock | Humbolt Childcare Center
6.2.3 Mallory Thomas | Humbolt Aide
6.3 Recommend Accepting Employment Role Transfer:
6.4 Recommend Accepting Employment Role Addition:
6.4.1 Sara Wilson | District Level Secretary
6.5 Recommend Accepting Employment Resignations:
6.5.1 Shelby Sheets | Humbolt Aide
6.6 Recommend Accepting First Reading of Policies
6.6.1 November Policies to be Deleted
6.6.2 November Policies to be Updated
6.6.3 November Policies to be Added
6.6.4 December Policies to be Updated
6.6.5 December Policies to be Added
6.7 Approval Consent Agenda (Entire Section): Motion: ___; Second: ___; Unanimous: ___
7.1 2023-24 Audit Report Approval
8) FUTURE CALENDAR DATES | 2024 | ALL Meetings are held at District Office, unless otherwise specified:
8.1.1 2/19 – Board Meeting | 7:00PM
9.1 KB:
9.2 M.T. A:
9.3 AC:
9.4 CL:
9.5 ZB:
9.6 WB:
9.7 JT:
10.1 In Person: ____
10.2 Via Zoom: ____
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