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March 29, 2024
2 notices found
County: Grant, HarneyCity: Burns, Canyon City, Dayville, Hines, John Day, Long Creek, Mt. Vernon, Prairie City, Seneca
City of Long Creek Restroom Project-Invitation to BidNotice is hereby given that City of Long Creek will receive sealed Bids for the City of LongCreek Restroom Project in accordance with the Invitation to Bid, Bid Form, GeneralConditions, Specifications and Drawings.Sealed Bids will be received by mail addressed to Strux Engineering, PO Box 324, Prairie City,OR 97869, emailed to, or in person …Read More
County: HarneyCity: Burns, Crane, Hines
The Harney County Courthouse Limited ServiceThe Harney County Courthouse will have limited services Thursday, April 11 and Friday, April 12th for a training exercise. Community members will have limited access to the building on both days. We welcome you to visit us during normal business hours on April 10th, or if it can wait, normal business hours will resume on …Read More
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