Public input sought on Fern/Abbott configuration

By on Tuesday, February 21st, 2023 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

WALLA WALLA – The city of Walla Walla is seeking residents’ feedback on the long-term solution to the intersection at Fern Avenue and Abbott Road adjacent to Walla Walla High School and Murr Field. The intersection was modified in August 2022 to improve safety for both motorists and pedestrians. Stop signs were installed at each approach and vertical road markers were installed on the corners to decrease crossing distances for pedestrians, and crosswalks were re-painted.

Walla Walla, in cooperation with the Walla Walla School District and Walla Walla County, is now making planning decisions on what the long-term solution will be for the intersection. The first option is a four-way stop with sidewalk, corner, and curb modifications.  The main benefit of four-way/all-way stops is that vehicles enter the intersection at a low speed, giving drivers more time to assess the traffic situation. The approximate construction cost of a four-way stop is $230,000.

The second option is a compact roundabout.  According to PBS Consulting, who provided with alternative analysis of the intersection, roundabouts significantly increase the flow of traffic (compared to a four-way stop) while reducing vehicle speed and reducing collisions due to single-directional travel. The approximate construction cost for a compact roundabout is $550,000.

The Walla Walla School District will not be contributing to the funding of any improvements. 

The public’s input on which intersection configuration is preferred can be submitted at the Fern/Abbott Intersection Survey.

Photo via city of Walla Walla