Public Hearing to view a Sewer System Improvement project

By on Wednesday, July 28th, 2021 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

ELGIN, OR – The City of Elgin will be conducting a Public Hearing, Wednesday, August 4th for the public to view a sewer system improvement project and to take comments about the local government’s performance.

City of Elgin is completing a Sewer System Improvements: Final Design project funded with Community Development Block Grant funds from the Oregon Business Development Department. The location of the project is: throughout the “Northern Area” identified in the Preliminary Engineering Report and between the Grande Ronde River and the treatment plant. It is estimated that the proposed project will benefit at least 1,730 persons, of whom 47.21% will be low or moderate income. A public hearing will be held by the City Council at 7:00 pm on August 4, 2021, at 790 S 8th Ave, Elgin, OR 97827.

Written comments are also welcome and must be received by August 4, 2021,790 S 8th Ave, Elgin, OR 97827. Both oral and written comments will be reviewed by the City Council.

More information about the Oregon Community Development Block Grant program and the project is available for public review at 790 S 8th Ave, Elgin, OR 97827. Advance notice is requested.