Public comment sought on Rees-Goad connector road project

By on Monday, October 9th, 2023 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON โ€“ The city of Pendleton has released a finding of no significant impact to drinking water services regarding its proposed Highway 11 to Goad Road Connector Project. The city has been working for several years with property owners to create the connector road.

It will cross 250 acres from Highway 11 to Highway 30, using a portion of Goad Road. The project includes water distribution system improvements. The land, which will be developed for workforce housing and other residential dwellings, is currently used for dryland wheat and the conservation reserve program.

The city plans on replacing the concrete gravity main line that was constructed in 1910-1911. Replacement will be done with about 5,000 linear feet of new transmission water line as well as a new 18-inch domestic water line. The city also plans to replace an aging booster pump station as part of the project.

Comments, either in support or disagreement with the decision, must be received by the end of the business day on Nov. 7. They should be addressed to Oregon Health Authority, Drinking Water Services, Attn: Environmental Review Coordinator, P.O. Box 14450, Portland, OR 97293-0450.