PSD board to meet at Wildhorse

By on Monday, November 8th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – The Pendleton School District Board of Directors is holding its annual meeting on the Umatilla Indian Reservation at the Wildhorse Events Center at 6 p.m. today (Monday). Included on the agenda is an update from Nixyaawii Community School on the start of the current school year.

Nixyaawii began the school year with 88 students, 30 of them are freshmen. The staff is 100 percent vaccinated against COVID-19 and the students are 77 percent vaccinated. The school report card showed that while NCS was down in its on-time graduation rate and five-year completion rate, it was eight points higher than the Oregon average in students who are going to college after graduation.

The boards will also hear a report on the district’s Umatilla language lessons. Held weekly, they reach about 200 kindergarten students at the Pendleton Early Learning Center and an estimated 80 first graders at Washington Elementary School.

The meeting is closed to the public but may be viewed online. For log-in instructions, email