PSD board has three meetings

By on Monday, June 12th, 2023 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – The Pendleton School District Board of Directors is busy this evening (Monday). There are a total of three meetings scheduled for the board. All of them will take place in the board room of the district office, 107 NW 10th St.

A hearing for the budget is scheduled for 5:45 p.m. Director of Business Services Michelle Jones is recommending approval of the 2023-24 budget of $68,767,421. It has already been approved by the budget committee.

At 6 p.m., the board will begin its regular meeting. One item on the agenda includes approving a new math curricula for grades kindergarten through 12. A team of educators has been reviewing the list of approved math curricula since November. They recommend Big Ideas Learning for both kindergarten through fifth grade and high school. The team recommends the math curriculum for grades six through eight be EdGems.

The school board will then adjourn its regular meeting and reconvene in an executive session. That agenda is to review the performance of Superintendent Kevin Headings. Those reviews are scheduled twice a year.