Prescribed burning happening at Malheur Refuge

By on Friday, February 17th, 2023 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

Harney County-PROJECT GOALS: Remove decaying vegetation and release tied up nutrients, provide underwater waterfowl food (both plants and invertebrates), and provide safe brood-rearing habitat. More details on what this all means:

FOAM SCIENCE: In the photos, you can see a foam line. The foam is environmentally safe and serves as a barrier between what we do and don’t want to burn. It works by introducing air into a mixture of water and foam concentrate. The bubbles adhere to the vegetation and gradually release the moisture they contain. The bubbly water absorbs heat more efficiently than unbubbled water, and the bubble mass provides a barrier to oxygen, necessary to sustain combustion!

Prescribed burning efforts will continue as conditions allow. Smoke may be visible. Travel with caution.