Prairie City to undergo water mapping project

By on Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

PRAIRIE CITY – Prairie City Mayor Scott Officer was recently in the KJDY and News 102 newsroom to inform listeners of a water system mapping project coming down the pipe for the city:

“The state[‘s] lead and copper rule—I believe it is a ruling from DEQ or something—we have to map our current water systems, including private [systems].

The state’s idea is to find out where any lead pipes are left…I don’t believe we have any in our system left at all, but we need a map of all the pipes that are hooked to our current system.”

The mayor said the city is still undecided as to whether they’ll do the work themselves, which would require updated equipment, or contract the work out–which likely would require outside funding. We’ll keep you updated on the progress of the project.