Prairie City CyberMill getting community usage

By on Thursday, December 15th, 2022 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

PRAIRIE CITY โ€“ The Grant County CyberMill โ€œtechnology hubsโ€ are in two different cities within Grant Countyโ€”the Seneca location, which has been open just over a year; and the Prairie City location, which has been open for about two months. Coordinator Didgette McCracken said with their free membership system theyโ€™re able to know how much usage each center is getting, and where the user is from:

โ€œIn Prairie City, the majority of folks are from Prairie City utilizing that site. But, some folks may be surprised to know that there are quite a few from John Day that utilize the Prairie City site, and thereโ€™s some from Baker that utilize the Prairie City site, and Canyon City, and other folks from out of town.โ€

McCracken said there were over 500 entries into the Prairie City location over the last two months. The site as of Thursday morning has 104 members. For updates and free memberships, log on to, or follow Grant County CyberMill on Facebook.