PPD has a crime-filled weekend

By on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – The Pendleton Police Department saw an increase in criminal activity the last weekend in February. Police Chief Chuck Byram said three calls stood out because of the nature of the crimes and the number of personnel needed to respond.

“Fourteen arrests were made over the weekend, which is quite a significant number,” he said.

One incident involved a drunk driving crash in the vicinity of Southgate and Southwest Hailey Avenue Saturday. He said eyewitnesses reported the driver was traveling at high rates of speed on Southwest Hailey before crashing at the intersection with Southgate. Officers approached the driver and female passenger.

“They were belligerent,” he said. “They weren’t very compliant with the officers from the beginning.”

Police took Alexander Ryan Torado of Pendleton into custody for DUII reckless driving, and hit and run.

Later Saturday evening or early Sunday morning, police responded to a report of a fight in front of the Rainbow. When officers arrived, they found it wasn’t really a fight. It was stranger than that.

“An individual who was either under the influence of a controlled substance or alcohol, also suffering from mental health issues, decided he wanted to uproot one of the trees in front of the Rainbow Café by hand,” Byram said.

When a citizen asked the man to stop, the suspect challenged the passerby to a fight. Byram said no fight occurred and the man was taken into custody peacefully.

“We took Alexis Renaldo to jail for criminal mischief and disorderly conduct,” Byram said. “This individual comes to us by way of Florida, a transient male who’s been in town the past couple of weeks and we’ve already dealt with him a number of times.”

The chief said Renaldo is a product of Ballot Measure 110, because Oregon is the only state in which drug possession is not a criminal act.

“It’s only a violation, so we’re going to continue to see more of this,” he said.

Byram said the third incident that sticks out is a number of car prowls in the Sherwood area either Sunday night or early Monday morning. He said at least five cars were affected and all were unlocked.

“There were three firearms stolen,” he said. “That makes our community a little less safe. I encourage people to be a little bit more responsible with gun ownership and their personal property.”

Byram said the investigation into the items stolen is continuing, and urges people to lock up their cars and bring their personal items inside.

“I can’t reiterate enough how important it is that we harden our targets,” he said.