Pendleton budget is up for a vote

By on Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON โ€“ The Pendleton City Council will hold a public hearing and vote on the 2024-35 budget at its meeting at 7 p.m. today (Tuesday). The council will also hold a first reading on a proposed ordinance governing signage in the downtown historic district.

The total for all funds for the budget is $109,697,385. A total of $96,612,700 are appropriations over which the Pendleton City Council has control. The remainder is from cash reserves and ending fund balances. The budget resolution also imposes and categorizes property taxes for both the General Fund and the Debt Service funds. For the new fiscal year, which begins July 1, the taxes imposed are $6.5771 per $1,000 of assessed value for the General Fund and $574,500 for General Obligation Bonded Debt.

The council will also hold the first reading of an ordinance which incorporates signage regulations within an historic district. City staff, the Pendleton Planning Commission, and the Historic Preservation Commission are recommending that Ordinance 4107 be passed. It is written to provide distinctive signage from the rest of the city because the buildings on Main Street are from the late 1800s and early 1900s.

The ordinance does allow for electronic message centers for theaters, cinemas, and churches. However it requires those signs display a static message for 30 seconds in white lettering with no graphics or video content. The second reading and a public hearing on the ordinance will be held at a later meeting.

The meeting is in Council Chambers of Pendleton City Hall. It is also available on Zoom. Information on how to access the meeting is given on the agenda posted on the calendar of the city website.