Over 1.5 million Dollars in Grants Going to Eastern Oregon Forestry

WALLOWA & GRANT COUNTIES โ€“ The U.S. Forest Service announced that 3.7 million dollars will be going toward Oregon wood processing facilities as part of the Wood Products Infrastructure Assistance Grant Program. Of this funding, $737,100 dollars will go toward Heartwood Biomass in Wallowa County and $1 million toward Prairie Wood Products in Grant County. In their release, the forest service stated:

โ€œThrough the Wood Products Infrastructure Assistance grant program, the Forest Service is providing funding to wood processing facilities to improve, establish, retrofit, or expand facilities that purchase and process byproducts from ecosystem restoration projects from federal or tribal lands. These facilities are in areas at risk of unnaturally severe wildfire or insect and disease and are vital to the economic fabric of their communities.โ€