OTEC to Host New Science & Art Lecture Series at Baker Headquarters

BAKER CITY – (Release from OTEC) Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative (OTEC), in partnership with the Baker County Cultural Coalition, is proud to announce a new free science and arts lecture series that will be held at OTEC’s headquarters in Baker City.

The Baker Community Sciences and Arts Lecture Series is a fun, free and educational experience for the residents of Baker City and beyond, focusing on exploring our region’s history and possibilities for the future. Experts in the areas of geology, astronomy, energy, agricultural and art will hold presentations discussing how those topics affect and help shape our communities and region.

“We want to make a positive contribution to our community that brings our friends and neighbors back together,” said Sandy Lewis, lecture series organizer. “It’s an opportunity to attend science and arts lectures without having to drive out of the area – and have a chance to ask questions from the experts.” 

The first lecture is called “The Dynamic Geology of Eastern Oregon”, hosted by Dr. Scott Burns of Portland State University. The lecture will include insight into eastern Oregon’s rich geological history and how it shaped our area. It will be held July 28, 6PM at OTEC’s headquarters at 4005 23rd St. in Baker City.

“We’re thrilled to be a partner in this lecture series,” said Joe Hathaway, Communications Manager for OTEC. “OTEC is dedicated to the continuing educational support of our communities, as well as supporting innovative ideas and technologies for the betterment of our area and this lecture series is a great way to promote that.”

More information on the lecture series, including a schedule of lectures and information on presenters, can be found at facebook.com/Baker-Community-Sciences-Arts-Lecture-Series. For questions, please contact Sandy at BakerLectureSeries@gmail.com.

About the cooperative

Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative (OTEC) is a not-for-profit, member-owned electric cooperative that serves nearly 60,000 residents in four counties in Eastern Oregon. Headquartered in Baker City, OTEC has district offices in Burns, John Day and La Grande.