OTEC responds to ODE’s propose 18% Energy Supplier Assessment rate increase

BAKER CITY – During a public budget meeting on July 27, the Oregon Department of Energy proposed an 18% increase in the Energy Supplies Assessment (EAS) tax for the 2025-27 biennium. At the local level for Northeast Oregon, the Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative (OTEC) has issued their own response to the proposed increase and what it could mean for energy users. As stated by OTEC:

“When ODOE submitted an 18% increase budget request for the Energy Supplier Assessment (ESA) Tax to Governor Kotek for the 2025-27 budget, the Oregon Rural Electric Cooperative Association (which represents OTEC and 17 other Oregon electric cooperatives) sent a letter opposing the proposed increase.

As an electric cooperative, Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative (OTEC) is wholly owned by the people who receive power from OTEC.  The member-owners of OTEC collectively share all costs that OTEC incurs. While OTEC does not anticipate that this proposed increase will immediately impact rates, we recognize that all fees and taxes which are assessed to the cooperative, are ultimately borne by the member-owners of the co-op.”

The full letter sent by the Oregon Rural Electric Cooperative Association can be found here: INSERT FILE (IN DRIVE): COU Opposition to ODOE Agency Request Budget.pdf

A summary of the Oregon GOP’s stance and a response from the Oregon Department of Energy, can be found in our previous article here: https://elkhornmediagroup.com/oregon-gop-reps-oppose-a-proposed-18-percent-increase-to-energy-suppliers/

Additional information on the Oregon Department of Energy’s budget proposal can be found at https://www.oregon.gov/energy/About-Us/Documents/2024-07-Public-Budget-Meeting.pdf