Oregon reports 750 new confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases, January 28, 2021.

There are six new COVID-19 related deaths in Oregon, raising the state’s death toll to 1,930, the Oregon Health Authority reported at 12:01 a.m. today.

Oregon Health Authority reported 750 new confirmed and presumptive cases of COVID-19 as of 12:01 a.m. today, bringing the state total to 140,783.

Weekly media briefing scheduled for Jan. 29 at 11 a.m.

Media are invited to attend a media briefing at 11 a.m. tomorrow, Jan. 29, with Oregon Health Authority Director Patrick Allen and Oregon State Public Health Officer and Epidemiologist Dr. Dean Sidelinger. OHA will discuss COVID-19 projections and COVID-19 variants in Oregon. Media will be able to join via Zoom: https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1619447624?pwd=RllrMU5WVXdub2Q0YkFqUVZrZTdDUT09

Vaccinations in Oregon

Today, OHA reported that 19,010 new doses of COVID-19 vaccinations were added to the state immunization registry. Of this total,12,292 doses were administered on Jan. 27 and 6,718 were administered on previous days but were entered into the vaccine registry on Jan. 27.

Cumulative daily totals can take several days to finalize because providers have 72 hours to report doses administered and technical challenges have caused many providers to lag in their reporting. OHA has been providing technical support to vaccination sites to improve the timeliness of their data entry into the state’s ALERT Immunization Information System (IIS).

Oregon has now administered a cumulative total of 359,370 first and second doses of COVID-19 vaccines. To date, 606,725 doses of vaccine have been delivered to sites across Oregon.

These data are preliminary and subject to change. OHA’s dashboards provide regularly updated vaccination data, and Oregon’s dashboard has been updated today.

COVID-19 hospitalizations

The number of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 across Oregon is 291, which is 11 fewer than yesterday. There are 72 COVID-19 patients in intensive care unit (ICU beds) which is two fewer than yesterday.

The total number of patients in hospital beds may fluctuate between report times. The numbers do not reflect admissions per day, nor the length of hospital stay. Staffing limitations are not captured in this data and may further limit bed capacity.

More information about hospital capacity can be found here.

Cases and deaths

The new confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases reported today are in the following counties: Benton (15), Clackamas (62), Clatsop (6), Columbia (4), Coos (26), Crook (2), Deschutes (37), Douglas (20), Harney (2), Hood River (5), Jackson (25), Jefferson (4), Josephine (22), Klamath (16), Lake (3), Lane (72), Lincoln (6), Linn (12), Malheur (8), Marion (90), Morrow (2), Multnomah(174), Polk (12), Tillamook (1), Umatilla (24), Union (3), Wasco (12), Washington (73) and Yamhill (12).

NOTE: OHA no longer lists individual cases of COVID-19 related deaths in Oregon in its daily media releases. We share aggregated COVID-19 related deaths on OHA’s public dashboards, which are updated daily. A breakdown of today’s reported deaths by age category is included below.

New deaths by age group


Due to unscheduled downtime with Opera (Oregon’s COVID-19 case database), electronic laboratory report processing is backlogged. The backlog, which affects laboratory reports and case counts, will be processed over the next couple of days.

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccinations

To learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine situation in Oregon, visit our webpage, which has a breakdown of distribution and other useful information.