Opposing the protection of wolves

By on Wednesday, February 16th, 2022 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

EASTERN OREGON – (Information provided by the Oregon Cattlemen’s Assoc) The Oregon Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) strongly opposes the U.S. Court ruling February 11th, 2022 to remand and vacate the gray wolf Endangered Species Act (ESA) delisting from 2020. 

“Environmental groups such as Defenders of Wildlife and the Center for Biological Diversity have seats at the table for developing state wolf conservation and management plans, but they are never satisfied with the brokered compromises,” said OCA President Todd Nash from Enterprise, “relisting the wolves is an abuse of both the Endangered Species Act and the Equal Access to Justice Act.”

The Court ruling will restore the federal protection of wolves in Western and Central Oregon while wolves in one quarter of the state in far Eastern Oregon will continue to be managed by state officials. OCA believes in making science-based decisions, and data shows the gray wolf population is recovered and no longer meets requirements for a listing.

Nash says, “Canadian Gray Wolves were introduced into Central Idaho and Yellowstone National Park as part of an experimental population in the mid-1990s and have expanded in population and geographical area beyond expectations. This decision to relist beyond that experimental area builds mistrust of our legal system and compromises the integrity of the Endangered Species Act.”Across Oregon, increased attacks on livestock are threatening the viability of family-owned farms and ranches. The Oregon Cattlemen’s Association supports delisting of Canadian Gray Wolves and will continue to work for management of practices that protect our members and their livestock.