Ongoing discussions on Transient Lodging Tax

By on Tuesday, August 17th, 2021 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

BAKER CITY – (Information provided by the City of Baker City)  Transient Lodging Tax (TLT) was one of those topics during the latest Baker City Council meeting. This has been an ongoing discussion with the county, according to a newsletter from the City of Baker City. 

The county through an agreement manages the collection and expenditure of TLT collections on behalf of the city. Currently the county is in process of preparing and releasing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Visitor Services in Baker County. The draft RFP is available for review on the Baker County website. A decision on the content on the RFP will be next week with a release date in the very near future. The county received input from the TLT Committee, citizens, and City Council regarding the RFP. City Council is seeking to hold a joint work session early next week with the County Commissioners to further discuss the final draft of that RFP. This important contract sets the stage for visitor services for the next year or so and allows time for a more thorough review of the future use of TLT dollars. The dynamics of how people travel and tour the country evolves over time. Attracting visitors to Baker County and Baker City also changes and the city has interest in making sure TLT money is spent effectively to bring outside dollars into our local economy.